Independent Facilitation Training for Caregiver Day 2
Intensive Independent Facilitation Training for: Caregiver/Family Member/Parent Facilitating for their loved one
First Choice Solutions is offering a virtual in-depth class on Independent Facilitation (IF)! This series is for you if you want a more in-depth training on the in’s and out’s of being an IF working with KRC. After our series, you will feel more confident about navigating Self Determination. The First Choice Team has extensive experience working in Self Determination and have collectively transitioned over 100 participants statewide. Our team also has more than 60 years of combined regional center experience.
Certificate provided to those attending all 6 sessions.
Space is limited, please register to attend:
Questions? (760) 201-5121 / gofcsolutions.com
Saturday 8/27/22
Session 4
From: 9:00am – 11:00am
Understanding expenditure report, Certified Budget Process, Generic Resources.
Session 5
From: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
FMS Models, Selecting an FMS, Spending Plan Development, & HCBS
Session 6
From: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
IF Ethics, Advocacy & Negotiations, Problem Solving. Final Review, Q&A.
This training is made possible by KRC’s Local Self Determination Advisory Committee.