Comprehensive Employment First Resource Review
National and Local Subject Matter Experts Present:
Tania Morawiec
Dep. Director of Planning and Regional Office Operations
State Council on Developmental Disabilities
Rose Warner
Sr. Policy Advisor
U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Office of Disability
Employment Policy
Dale Verstegen
CIE Transformation Federal Projects
Jeffery Popkin
Senior Vice President, Director of Operations
Bakersfield ARC
When: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Join us for a whirlwind tour of tools and resources designed to advance competitive, integrated employment for people who have disabilities!
States around the nation are implementing Employment First. Disability diversity employment benefits many.
Hear from CA provider transforming their service model and learn about existing tools and resources available for people who have disabilities, employers, service providers, government agencies, and other stakeholders.
Topics Include:
- Employer Incentives: WPTC
- Job Accommodations
- 14-c Phase Out
- Person Centered Job Development
- Urban & Rural approaches
- School Transition
- Program Change
- Policy Guidance
- WIOA and TAY
- WIPA and Benefits
- Customized Employment
- Internship & Apprenticeships
- Self-Employment Alternatives
- Government Resources
- Agency Self Assessments