Thompson Von Tungeln: Special Needs Trust Seminar
Saturday, October 14
10 – 11:30 am
Holliday Inn Express
1010 N China Lake Blvd
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
More information and registration here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/10142023-saturday-special-needs-trust-seminar-ridgecrest-tickets-721047330977?aff=oddtdtcreator
Who isn’t worried about the cost of special needs care? It can devastate your estate.
Many people worry about how they would pay for special needs care in a skilled nursing facility if it should become necessary. Special needs care is expensive, and you may worry that the cost will completely exhaust your retirement savings and all of your assets. It is only possible with careful planning and the assistance of professionals.
- Use a Living Trust to help assure that your assets can be protected and not all go the way to a nursing home or the state of California.
- Fully protect yourself with a complete estate planning package including a Health Emergency Card, Owner’s Manual, Trustee Manual, Beneficiary Manual and Free Service Package
You won’t want to miss this FREE Seminar!
While most of our existing clients have already heard this information from us before, we welcome them back at any time for a refresher and we encourage them to bring family members, trustees, neighbors, coworkers, and friends along with them.